DYDAS EU announces the winner of the Call for ideas Contest
The Call for Ideas Contest is a Contest lauched by DYDAS EU funded by the European Commission (CEF Telecom Open Data program) and it consisted in presenting an idea of a new and innovative service for cities or citizens that could be provided through the DYDAS platform as a key component. The participants had to describe the service and all its components and how this service can help cities and/or citizens.
The jury evaluated all participant’s project and declared that the winner of the Call for Ideas Contest is: AquaInSilico (AIS).
AquaInSilico (AIS) developed accurate models for real-time control of waste/wastewater treatment plants. Such models are based on artificial intelligence and sharply replicate and predict waste/wastewater treatment processes.
By gathering the available data on the Dydas platform this solution could guide waste/wastewater managing entities to:
- achieve environmental compliance;
- optimize plant operational costs by finetuning the amount of chemicals and energy used;
- transform waste/wastewater facilities into sustainable plants that can use their waste to produce bio-products such as biofertilizers, biomethane and bioplastics.
Dydas has appreciated the innovative and sustainable AIS idea for better waste and waterwaste treatment.
A special thank to all participants.